Bible Literacy Course
This course is for gaining a simple understanding of how the Bible is put together and its major stories.
Cost is only $5 a session. The Bible can be acquired at a very reasonable price in paperback on Amazon.
The men who founded this country had deep knowledge of the Bible and based many of the laws and precepts Unfortunately over 200 years later we have loss much of this knowledge.
This course is for anyone that can read at a 3rd grade level up to the oldest adult. We will use the New Century Version paper Bible. It’s also known as the International Children’s Bible. This translation is written at a 3rd grade reading level.
We will learn the main sections of the Bible and the books they contain. How to locate scriptures when given the “address”. Also about main characters/stories of the Bible. Also main themes/subjects of each book. And other ways we categorize things in the Bible to make it easier to study and understand.
I have over 30 years of teaching Sunday School and Children’s Church. I also read/study the Bible daily myself as I feel this is essential for my mental and spiritual well-being. I hope you and/or your child will join me for once a week sessions learning these Bible Basics.